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About Kathleen J. Roussel

Welcome to
Morgan's Fancies!
Art, Spirituality and Whatever I fancy!

I am Kathleen and this is my little comfy corner on the web.


I am an artist, and a poet, and all around gaming geek.  A lover of all things Avalon, Druid, Pagan, Nature and all things in between  I have a deep passion for history, the esoteric , spirituality and all things creative has made for a lifetime of learning and a deep seeded desire to share what I have made and collected with the world.


It is through my own personal journey that the dream of Morgan's Fancies was born.  Why Morgan's Fancies and not Kathleen's Fancies?  I resonate towards anthing arthurian and in particular Morgan le Fae.  To many I am known as Morgan rather than Kathleen, it just made sense to name my company after my online persona.  I am an extremely open minded individual whose interests and tastes are varied and wide so instead of trying to narrow my focus down  and limiting my options I have chosen to have a brand that is open ended.  If I wish to offer books, jewelry, art, art supplies, spirtual items etc. I have the flexibility to do so.


Don't forget to check out Morgan's Fancies Shop on a marketplace that encourages the redistribution of unused, left over and recycled resources.


I have also recently startd to pursue my love of digital art and design as well.  I have launched my own design portfolio  A facebook page can also be found at Kathleen J. Roussel Multimedia Design


I love connecting with people.  Feel free to drop me an email or a message on facebook through my artist page: Morgan's Fancies.

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